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Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
Target Date Funds: The Good and the Bad
Do you know when you are looking to retire? A target-date fund might be an option for you if you have an estimated retirement date in...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
Roth Conversions: Here's what you need to know
A Roth conversion sounds like a highly technical and formidable thing, but it doesn’t have to be. The process itself is quite simple. It...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
Is My Social Security Taxable?
Millions of Americans depend on their social security benefits month after month. These monthly payments are what supplement the...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
Understanding Health Saving Accounts
Do you have a plan for unexpected medical bills? Many people hesitate when asked how they would come up with the funds to cover an...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
Survivorship Bias
During World War II, returning bomber planes often made their way back to the landing site riddled with bullet holes. As a result, it...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
What You Need To Know About Federal Student Loan Repayment Plans
Did you just don your graduation cap and gown? Congrats! Now that you are ready to start your career, it’s time to think seriously about...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
The Most Powerful Tool in Wealth Creation
In his book The Fourth Age, Byron Reese illustrates the story of the invention of chess. “About a thousand years ago, a mathematician in...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
Rapid Recap: Interview on Fox 2 Detroit
I had the pleasure of sitting down with Charlie Langton at the Fox 2 Detroit studios last week to discuss the common investment...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
The Best Investment Millennials Could Make
Taking the first few steps in the real world can feel daunting and scary. You will receive many conflicting pieces of advice as you...

Asad Gourani, CFP®, EA
The Yield Curve Inversion
What does the yield curve inversion mean, and what is the significance of it.
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